Ours is not a pure price economy but a mixed economy . 我们的经济不是纯粹的价格经济,而是混合经济。
The process inevitably involves deflation including adverse but hopefully temporary impact on economic growth in the high price economy and inflation in the low price economy 因此,融合过程无可避免地会涉及价格水平高的一地出现通缩包括对经济增长造成暂时的负面影响,价格水平低的一地出现通胀。
The process of factor price equalisation inevitably involves inflation in the low factor price economy and deflation in the high factor price economy . the process could be quite destabilising for both economies and certainly has policy implications 在生产要素价格达致均衡的过程中,价格较低一地将无可避免出现通胀,价格较高一地则出现通缩。